
The enormity of singularity of a person is too devastating a concept to grasp. If you get lost there’s not just another one to be found. And while the inverse may be true of some, I do not enjoy those fleeting replaceable people. (For the only ones for me are the mad ones.) So timelessness and irreplaceability abounds. A true masterpiece that eludes any worldly condition.

Unfortunately, the fear of theft seeps in. So I build a fence. Although, the fence is “small”, border and bounds around something untamed is palpable and constrictive.

And to guard a heart is to isolate a devotion, an extraction of a bit of vitality. And lest we forget the importance of semantics, of defining “the other” vs “another”. Another implies the opposite of that divine individuality described. Another equals detachment and impartialness regarding cause and effect varieties of commitment. But commitment is not a contract but a declaration of truth, to bind in exchange for a tiny death in ourselves. This symphonic wisdom exists only on a weird plane of the existential that the same time warrants and evades definition. Commitment is different than the fence.

There’s a certain level of care in the permanence of the visual vs the implicit illustrative conceptualization we must infer from the auditory. Post tragedy, I’ll run back to the gate with butter stuck to my mouth and dripping from my hands.

